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Top 4 Wellness Apps to keep you bright during the dark winter months...

Writer: BellaBella

Howdy Partner.

It's been 6 long months since we last spoke. How the devil are you?!

In the last 1/2 a year I have been learning the often over-used phrase of 'getting my shit together' and taking it to the next level with a classic 20's life crisis. After going bankrupt with a failed business in January and begging the likes of Morrison's for a job, ANY JOB. I even considered starting an Only Fans account and selling my dirty socks. After that absolute shit show, we are back grooving life with a BANG. A few Tony Robbin quotes, extremely puffy eyes and a bruised Ego later, the stars aligned and I now find myself settled into a wonderful job in Tech.

Taking of tech, this links us conveniently into today's blog instalment... my top 4 wellbeing apps to beat the winter blues. As Winter and darkness settle into the UK there's no better time to boost our brains and bodies with a touch of artificial light and carefully curated apps to help us feel brighter and excited about life.

I know what you're thinking... but technology isn't good for our mental health you silly idiot.

Sure, it would be a simpler life if we all reverted back to a Nokia, played snake and had our emails delivered by Pigeon. Free of the relentless notifications and force fed ads on the latest 'thing' and a promise of a more perfect, happy life. We all know from the addictive nature of our phones that the majority of it is bullshit. However, our phones can be advantageous if used correctly. Life is constantly evolving and change is guaranteed. As humans, we hate change and uncertainty and it's normal to feel a resistance for the shiny new contrasted with a nostalgia for what was. 'Back in the good ol' days' Shut it Karen. Much like coffee, technology should be consumed in moderation and with awareness. Too much and you might end up with a the shits and a panic attack.

Please note these Apps are either free or you can enjoy a free trial. If you really don't want to part with your pounds you can create an excessive amount of email addresses and trial them for eternity. Not all heroes wear capes.



"Movement is the song of the body" (Vanda Scaravelli)

Concept: Effective and fun Workouts that you actually look forward to

Before you skip this one, the Peloton app isn't exclusively for those affluent members of society who own a Peloton bike. Rather this app is perfect for the riff raff of society who wan't in on the fitness and fun minus the branded equipment.

Once you get over the fact that the instructors refer to you the participant as 'Peloton'. Absolutely genius and terrifying all at once... Side note, imagine if all Brands referred to their loyal customers as the brand name. Sup, Mc Donald, Big Mac Daddy, Miss every little helps hun.

Back in the room. This app kicks my ass and keeps me engaged through the whole workout. Ironically, the guided workouts are so good I don't want to go on my phone. The Peloton app features a wonderful selection of live workouts, monthly challenges and a variety of movement categories. This app is perfect for those who don't have a gym membership but want to up their home gym game.

Peloton represents any great, exclusive club... annoying as hell to anyone not in it, but incredibly special for those fortunate enough to be on the inside scoop. Like they say with all great cults in life... if you can't beat em join them.

Seriously though, one of the reasons Peloton works so damn well is because of the 'sense' of community it creates. Through our evolutionary need to survive, communities have and always will be a powerful force in motivating us to transform through the influence of social norms (Ganai & Ledbetter, 2018). Us humans have survived as a social species, so we have a genetic disposition to feel rubbish when we feel disconnected. Through community we experience a sense of belonging to a tribe and in turn positively influence the biology of our body, regardless of the workout (Cacioppo, 2013). Although the Peloton app doesn't replace real gym buddies it's perfect for those that can't afford a PT, don't have a gym membership, or any friends they can tolerate in general.


"Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine." (Roy T. Bennett)

Concept: Modern day Meditations for those who don't always want to sit still

Superhuman might just be my favourite app on my phone. An app so good that I actually don't mind paying for it. An addictive, immediate pick me up - minus the comedown.

At first, I was skeptical. The overbearing force of positivity and potential to be limitless can make one cringe and feel tres uncomfortable. However, once you drop your inclination to be a victim of your misfortune and natural perception of the glass half empty- this app works absolute wonders.

Not only does the app feature traditional sit down and try not to fidget meditations it also offers other modern day meditations for everyday life. Including; walking meditations, getting ready meditations, legs up the wall mediations, stretching meditations, cleaning mediations, chilling meditations. You get the gist. Meditation, meditation, meditation. AND BREATHE.

Superhuman combines the magic of mental rehearsal, positive affirmation, practicing gratitude and self awareness to quite literally make you feel superhuman even on the crappiest of days.

Tools such as mental rehearsal aren't just reserved for athletes and surgeons. You too, can use empowering tools to literally rewire your neural pathways, shift your reality and win at life.

Dr Joe Dispenza summarises it beautifully "If you’re viewing your life from the same level of mind every single day, anticipating a future based on your past, you are collapsing infinite fields of energy into the same patterns of information called your life.". Boom shakalaka.


I am Sober

"Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it ." (Brene Brown)

Concept: Break the habit loop of your chosen addiction

Nobody is perfect. We all have self-sabotaging behaviours. It often surprises people that you one can practice yoga, preach wellness, whilst simultaneously struggle with binge eating, alcohol moderation and most recently vaping. You go girl.

To highlight, you don't have to be hooked on heroin to download this app. From alcohol and cocaine to cookies and porn. This app can help with all sorts of addictions, no matter the severity. Whilst this app doesn't replace professional help, it does force you to be more accountable and shines an uncomfortable light on those dutty little habits of yours.

The App is simple yet effective as it encourages you to pledge daily, getting to the roots of your 'Why' whilst nudging you to go within and look at the triggers and links to your unhealthy habits. Simply summarised by Charles Duhigg "Habits can be changed, if we understand how they work".


"Taking care of yourself also means taking care of your environment" (Unknown)

Concept: Feel fabulous selling your clothes

One mans trash, that's another mans come up. I don't know why it's taken me this long to stop clinging on to old size 8 clothes like I am magically going to drop 4 sizes down at the child bearing hip accelerating age of 25. Nothing makes a gal feel better about parting with old teeny tiny skeletal clothes than the potential to make money from them.

Here's why Vinted has been a fantastic app for many reasons:

- What you consider tat, others will perceive as funky fresh.

- It's therapeutic having a clear out and re-homing items that no longer serve you.

- You can pretend you are playing real life shops and you are the shop keeper.

- Having to post your parcel will force you out the house, even on the gloomiest of days.

Why is this on the wellness list you ask? Well, studies have proven (and we all know from experience) that a cluttered space can lead to a variety of negative thought patterns and behaviours including higher levels of stress, procrastination and overwhelm (Fuller, 2022). Tidy space, tidy mind and all that. So get a podcast on, make some time and you'll find that de-cluttering your space and wardrobe is actually rather therapeutic.

In a nutshell, the app is free, it forces you to have a good clear out, you make money, and in doing so you will be sure to have a cleaner space and mind. AND... rather importantly you'll be promoting sloooow fashun.

So there you have it friends.

Thanks for reading.

See you soon.

Bella X


Delicious Sources:

- Cacioppo (2013). Biology of loneliness.

- Dr Joe Dispenza. (2017) Becoming Supernatural.

- Charles Duhigg (2012). The Power Of Habit.

- Fuller (2022). Clutter and Mental Health: What's the Connection.


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