Let's admit it, shit really has hit the fan my friends.
For the first time in our generation, the world is facing a dilemma like never before. Social isolation is in full swing as we become increasingly distanced in physical proportions. However, holistically the human race is becoming ever-more connected and the earth is getting some much needed TLC. Clear instructions to minimise the impact of this epidemic have been set and the incredible healthcare professionals are working tirelessly to fight this war (Big up the NHS). Whilst it feels like we are in a never ending episode of 'Black Mirror', such world-wide catastrophe highlight the petty, insignificant drama we often fuss about in our previously perfect lives. Just setting the scene folks (incase you live under a rock), hang on in there...

Just like a living virus, we also risk spreading harmful nasties through social contagion (fear, worry, stress etc). Par Exemple take PANIC BUYING as food for thought (excuse the pun). Since the CV bomb dropped, I'm sure we are all aware of the global toilet roll saga, the tip of a very slippery iceberg. These long strips of perforated paper have been making the headlines, along with Boris's punchy one liners "You will lose loved ones", manifesting growing anxiety amongst the global pandemic and rising fatality rate.
During these confusing times, one thing is for certain... our stress response of 'Fight or Flight' is currently on full whacko mode. This chemical cocktail of adrenaline and cortisol is pretty handy when temporarily fleeing the nashers of a grizzly bear. However, in the context of CV, the crashing economy and no toilet roll (FFS), there is no surprise the majority of us are stuck in long-term survival mode, with our overly alert and aroused brains trying to predict and control outcomes to survive. Aside from feeling pretty shitty, our pre-frontal cortex switches offline, as a consequence there's no energy left to utilise our creative and rationale brain. The result = the panicked population playing mass Supermarket Sweep with little consideration left for the vulnerable.
“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can control what goes on inside” (Wayne Dyer)
Whilst it is incredibly important to respect the severity of our current situation, and follow the guidelines as proposed by the Gov, there is plenty more we can do for ourselves and others aside from washing our hands and weeping 'Happy Birthday' (Twice)...
SO, my fellow worry warts, whether you are working from home, still working at 'work', or not working at all- here's some of my favourite hacks for keeping calm during a global shit- storm. After all...If you can't help yourself how in the hell are you gonna help somebody else?” ...
1.Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

I'll be honest with yah, before I started regularly practicing meditation I too thought it was BS. Give it a go and you'll notice some un-believable benefits. Reduce stress, blood pressure, pain, anxiety, OCD, and you'll likely reduce your likelihood of being a dickhead too. Starting meditation can be hard and weird, so I suggest guided practices to get you started! Meditation allows us to open the mind and disconnect from our Ego. The process can be uncomfortable as we awaken our truths and access true joy and contentment (Deffo just copied this description out of my spiritual books). Amazingly, during this global catastrophe fabulous platforms such as Headspace are offering content for free called 'Calming the Storm', download the app and before you know it you'll be Dalai Lama junior.
2.Sweat it out
The closure of your local gym does not mean you can become a sloth. Take this time to get creative with your 'HOME' workouts, You Tube and social media have a wondrous array of workouts you can do in virtually any space! Whether it's a HIIT, Yoga Sesh, or Pilattes the internet is waiting for you. My local yoga establishment 'Hot Pod Yoga' has even moved online with classes being offered on a donations- pay what you can basis! The release of endorphins when we exercise act as a catalyst of many great benefits; greater sleep, energy, productivity, positive self image, reduced anxiety.... the list goes on. You might even get your summer beach bod ready before Spring too (I do hope it's sunny in the UK this year)...
3.Get Creative
This is your chance to spend time on that hobby you "never had time for", and come to terms with how boring you were before the lockdown. (Excluded hobbies include going for brunch and the pub i'm afraid). Read, draw, write, learn, grow, play! This is prime time for letting those creative juices flow and committing to your long lost passions. When we access our creative side we can access FLOW STATE, a wonderful place whereby our brainwaves move from Beta to Alpha and Theta = our sense of self and the outside world disappears as we fully enjoy the moment at peace.

4.Count your blessings
Dear Diary...
We always want what we can't have. Times like these highlight how much we can take for granted! Freedom to travel, our jobs, fully stacked shelves, our loved ones. Since it all got a bit weird in the UK, and the concept of self isolation started to creep on in, you start to acknowledge all the simplistic wonders that often get ignored. The sea, the sky, nature, food, clean water, a home, family, friends the list goes on! Instead of moaning about what we can't do and can't have- GROW UP and acknowledge all the wonders we have left in our post consumerism driven world. Grab a pen and paper and physically write down what you're grateful for, practising such rituals regularly can dramatically change your thinking patterns and neurochemistry. Such simple tools enable us to live in an abundant mindset with positive improvements on both your body and those lucky enough to be around you! Be that annoying ray of sunshine, I dare you.
Final Thoughts
There is no right or wrong way to feel at the moment. Be mindful of others, show up for yourself, spread love and be thankful for what we do have. Massive thanks to those still working & to the incredible NHS! Let's take this opportunity to grow, ready to come out the other side shining even brighter!

Thank you for reading, Stay Safe my lovers Xxx
Rather Riveting References:
-Becoming Supernatural- Dr Joe Dispenza (A unique, rather deep book on the power of our brains, looking at neuroscience and the power of mediation to alter our consciousness and body)
-My Take On Coronavirus | Russell Brand (Light hearted yet enlightening You Tube chat with comedian come spiritual guru)
-The Mind Illuminated- John Yates, Matthew Immergut, Jeremy Graves (Wonderful book bridging the gap between Buddhist Wisdom & Brain Science).
-Behavioural Neuroscientist Shows You how to Break The Coronavirus Anxiety Cycle | Judson Brewer -Tom Bilyeu. (Discussing our neuroscience behind habit loops and panic)
-8 Ways to Stay Calm During A Crisis | Lewis Howes and Matt Cesaratto (Nice ol' You Tube Chat discussing the elephant in the room)