Picture this, 30 days left of University, 4 fat Uni deadlines to complete, a bikini body to manifest, and many an important task to complete as 'Race Director' for a local marathon. The overwhelming doom was crushing my lil 'last min dot com', queen procrastinator, perfectionist, particulate soul.
Now either Bernard lends me his pocket watch, or I'd have to mastermind a plan to get all my shit sorted in the delegated time. Times a funny old thing isn't it, 'Time flies when you're having fun', lol time also flies when you've got £27,000 worth of expensive university work to complete. If I'm honest, I've always had a funny sense of time. In fact, I couldn't tell the time on an analog clock (the round one with hands) until I was 14... fortunately I am quite the whizz at digital time keeping so HAH. Anyways I digress. Time, time, time... You've already wasted (invested) 1 minute of your precious time reading the previous paragraph (stay with me though) this will be worth your time...
We can't change time, stop time, fiddle with the hands on those confusing to read round clocks kinda time. BUT, we can...utilise our time (yawn), especially when we feel like we've got lots to do and so little time. SO that's exactly what I decided to do. How you may ask? Joining the 5am Club baby!

"We will have eternity to celebrate the victories but only a few hours to win them" (Amy Carmichael)
Inspired by 'The 5am Club', (one of many 'Self Help' genre books I possess but never actually implement), I decided to grab my deadlines by their devil horns and add even more to-do's to the already excessive to-do list (classic Annabel). The magical to-do's included;
1. Wake up at 5am every morning (no snoozing or excuses hunny)
2. Meditate before the sun rises
3.Make a 'Bullet Proof Coffee' and become a wizard & fast until past midday.
4. Journal (what are you grateful for today? what do you want from life?)
5. Avoid stimulating BS like social media/emails etc. (separate blog post for that bad boy HERE)
Some people use their MacBook 'Photo Booth' to take sexy selfies. Whilst, some people use their family pet to confide in during tough times. However, with no time to be looking hot and spicy, and no furry friends allowed at Uni, I decided to utilise my MacBook photo-booth as a vlogging tool and friend during those early early mornings. Mac doesn't say much but she's a great listener. Talking at my Mac for 30 days is something I never imagined sharing nor telling anyone about... but hey, here we are. We all have our secrets. You, my lucky friend get an exclusive, juicy insight into the 5am Club (and my questionable appearance during 30 days of hell). THIS was 2019 by the way...
Here's what went down...

"I don't think drinking an excess of coconut oil and things all morning is that good for you...?" (Annabel, 2019)
It's amazing what you'll do when you're desperate, feeling overwhelmed like a skint Jacket Potato. Annabel I know what will help you. What's that you say? Drinking blended coconut oil and coffee everyday and not eating until past 1pm. What sounds like abominable? Gullible.
Curated by 'Bio-hacker' Dave Asprey the 'Bullet Proof' coffee is advertised as 'an energising, high-performance drink'. Incase you too are having a mid-life crisis, the correct ingredients are; Coffee, MCTs & Grass Fed Butter. Unfortunately, my student budget couldn't afford legitimate MCT oil, and I don't like butter unless it's on toast, SO coconut oil and coffee would have to do. Apparently, this concoction works its magic by our bodies transforming MCT's into 'Ketones', thus boosting our ability to burn fat, curb cravings and become a powerful Jedi. I must admit, this short term habit was pretty transformative. Not only did I feel like I'd discovered hundreds of new brain cells, my belly was the flattest it's ever been (basic bitch of me I know, but it ver nice), I was significantly less-hungry and could fast until gone midday. Saving me time and money. Perhaps a placebo effect? Who knows... Try it for yourself if you desire. However, I must stress there isn't significant scientific research into this magical coffee. Therefore, try the fun juice at your own discretion. Don't come to me crying when you've pooped your pants. Just sayin.

"If anything, I'm becoming more aware of my head..." (Annabel, 2019)
I quite literally went into the shadows during my 5am adventures, just like Dora the Explorer, I began discovering the treasures of my neurology. Nu-ugh this would be no walk in the colourful park with fluffy clouds and characters. Instead this was more like a harsh, dark, uncomfortable venture into Aladdin's cave, full of jagged rocks and darkness but endless opportunities and promised wishes ahead! For the first time in my 23 years of life, I began committing to at least 10 long minutes of meditation each morning using the 'Headspace' app. Alongside this act of painful silence, I began routinely journaling what I was grateful for every-morning, and writing what I wanted as if I already had it, for example "I am grateful for the birds in the trees yada yada- I have a first class Hons in Event Management" (great degree- shame I haven't used it LOL). Some would argue these morning habits were just another opportunity to procrastinate the extortionate amount of work I still hadn't completed. However, I would argue completing small wins as soon as you wake up, eg. Making your bed, Journalling and Meditating make you feel like a queen of productivity, and an arrogant perfect specimen of human. Best yet, these small moments of quiet and inner work set the standard for a beautiful day ahead, regardless of what curveballs come at you! I genuinely believe when we make time to be still and go inwards, we can transform our busy external environments. Transformative I tell you! It also allows you to chat a lot of shit too (check my video diary out for reference at the end).

"It's all gone to shit..."(Annabel 2019)
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been super excited about starting a new healthy routine, a diet (hate that word it's bull****), New Years resolution, hobby, you name it. Then the inevitable happens. We lose our motivation, something goes wrong, our ego gets hurt. We make a mistake and throw the towel in. Sigh. I GIVE UP. Woe is me. I shall be honest, I am far too familiar with this storyline. As a recovering perfectionist, I got pretty disheartened during my 5am challenge when I slept through my alarms on a few occasions. Boo Hoo. Cry me a river. So what you woke up at 6:50 instead of 5. So what you accidentally ordered and ate a whole large Dominoes Pizza after a bottle of wine (when you were trying to save some money and be healthy). The point is, during the 30 days I learnt that it's okay to slip up, have a wobbly, be a Debbie-downer and an unmotivated- Margaret. Tis life, full of twists and turns and a rollercoaster of moods and emotions. How boring would it be if it was a straight line of perfection and predictability? Roll with it, acknowledge it, learn from it and jump back on that horse gal. Clippity clop.

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music" (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Square peg, round hole. We've all been there, done something different and quite ballsy, awaiting the applause and cheers of others positive opinions and acceptance, only to be be greeted with 'WTF you crazy nut, I preferred you when you did things like everyone else, get back in your cage". When I began my 30 days of early, structured and very quiet mornings I began to feel like a big fat loser, feeling guilty for not doing what I perceived the cool cats to be doing. I mean, I might be exaggerating slightly, BUT what I'm trying to say is, we naturally resist change in ourselves, and naturally not everyone around you will jump on your hype as you begin to evolve too! Change is scary, feels weird and uncomfortable. However, change over-time (if you stick with it) becomes habit, and habit becomes the new transformative normal. Moral of the story is, not everyone is going to cheer you on in life, and that's okay. The best cheerleader you can have is yourself. It's a bonus if the ones you love start clapping too! Be willing to go to battle with the resistance in your mind, not with other people.
The results are in....
You'll be pleased to hear...the 5am Club turned me into a productive, enlightened maniac. I completed all my deadlines (even got a First Class hons)- rather freaky that, considering all my work prior to 5am shenanigans were 2:1 or below. Had a glorious time assisting as Race director at the Marathon (nobody died under my supervision woo). I also physically and psychologically gained my bikini body (all that drinking coconut oil paid off eyyy). After consistently writing weird shiz in my journal like "I have a lovely job in Brighton" I spookily gained my grad job in Brighton months after finishing University. It's amazing what you can achieve- when you set your mind to it! GO GET EM.
The part you've all been waiting for.....
"Life is wonderful my friends..."
All my love
Annabel Xxx
