I'm gonna be honest with you...whilst going all DIY on my old T-shirts lately, I thought; great, wow, so inspired, Annabel- now you can write a blog post on sustainable fashion. Then I realised how much I hate hypocrites, and as a major advocate and preacher of 'Self Love', I thought against the idea of preaching something I don't always practice. Forgive me for I have sinned, I am guilty of many spontaneous purchases of unnecessary trite, hoping to fill the void we can sometimes feel in life's peaks and troughs. Hmm maybe if I buy another pair of Mom-jeans I'll love myself more, no, really, I swear, I do, I must, I need another black hoodie. Staple init. Many times I have sneaked past my family, hiding the clothing goods like a crack dealer "Oh, this? Had it for years..". Indeed, I have always been inspired by my thrift shop friends, rocking bargain pieces from the local Charity shops, and trading leopard print flares on Depop. I mean, I work in retail for goodness sake, who am I kidding.
Influencing consumeristic behaviour, whilst getting caught up in the consumeristic culture in today's western world does not sit comfortably in my heart. Indeed, during this pandemic I opened my sleepy eyes and awareness at how much I possess, and the excess I have accumulated over the years. Whilst, I do not recommend we all do an online haul every time we feel sad, I am also aware first-hand of the genuine excitement and empowerment putting on a fresh garment can bring people. In-fact, if we're going to play devils advocate, without consumers I wouldn't have my job in retail, nor would many people around the world, involved in the process of economic growth. Which brings me to my neutral point.
You know what I am going to say... something my mum used to say to me on repeat when I was a hormonal teen (moaning about my 'puppy fat')... 'Everything in moderation Annabel'. Moderation within my teen years referred to digestive biscuits and WKD's. I am now going to use 'Moderation' to refer to one's shopping habits. Indeed, mothers do always know best. Just like I stopped binging on chocolate digestives and complaining about my wobbly belly, I am widening my conscious efforts to minimise buying on compulsion and then complaining about the world deteriorating. As learnt during my adolescent biscuit eating and crying saga, 'Quit ur bitchin and do something about it'. Like I said, Balance baby, whilst I have contributed to 'fast-fashion', I still rock clothing bought by my cranky 15 year old self (wowzers trousers - that's 7 years of wear), this highlights many things. 1- My boobs haven't grown since puberty. Dang it. 2. You can make things sustain a long time 3. We cannot change our past, but we can create our future.

As we prepare to immerse into the grand-opening of civilisation post C word. I for one, am going to continue to educate myself on how to become a better human on our delicate planet. Some simple tings I am going to implement in the fashion void include;
1. Stop, look, and don't buy (unless you really want it and have considered it for at least a month)
2. All seasons (can I wear this Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)
3. Will this product last me many moons?
4. Is my purchase causing more destruction than good?
5. Am I buying this because I'm crying?
6. Could my money go towards something more worthwhile?
7. Have I taken time to appreciate all the things I already have?
8. Are you yawning at this sensible checklist?
I just wanna say, there should be no shame in buying nice things for yourself. In-fact I am an advocate for treating yourself. Just take a slice of the choccie cake, not the whole thing- Bruce.

During lockdown, I have re-kindled a love for old, prior purchases. The imagination runs wild with no access to the abundance of retail shops and constant bombardment of advertisement (whilst Morrisons clothing section does not quite cut the mustard on fashun I am afraid). As a result I have grown a new hobby of going all 60 seconds make-over on old tees. Whether they are branded or old tourists merch, you can transform your abandoned misfits into a lovable crop top. Incase you didn't know how to cut a top in half, I have made a DIY video for you (available for viewing at the end of this blog). Think of it as a reward for reading until the end...
If, like me, you do find yourself scrolling on ASOS at the early hours of the morning, pondering your existence and helplessness during this odd time. I do recommend considering the charitable options when shopping. Not only will you look peng ting in your over-sized- graphic- t-shirt dress (I got the XXL) , you will also feel like a nicer person for giving back to some incredible causes and quite literally raising awareness from your chest (even if it is a small surface area like mine). Apple and peanut butter is a great combination. Another fantastic combo is Katherine Hamnett (OG sustainability campaigner in fashion) and Help Refugees. The 'Choose Love' Tees (as modelled by moi below) are 100% cotton and 100% of the profits contribute to helping those in Refugee Crisis' (and 100% fabulous). Whilst, the profits from the 'Heroes' Tee supports local NHS trusts and communities and is also 100% cotton and 100% a massive reminder of how blessed we are to be surrounded by Heroes everyday. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed.
Behold, vlog 2. Annabel, how do you edit your videos so well and add some sweet sample sounds in with your great chat? Good ol' Moviemaker my pals. A wondrous tool I used to frequent with when I was a wee child, making silly home movies during the school holidays (when I too, had much time on my hands). Whilst gandering within the Movie-making sphere, It got me thinking... When did things get so serious and when did we stop allowing ourselves moments to be stupid and silly. Ah, yes... Life, responsibilities, adulthood, doom, gloom, expectations, the news, drama... Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for being serious and stiff, and we shouldn't be blindsided and play ignorant to the serious issues of the world (and breathe)... HOWEVER , be careful not to get too caught up in the panic. Release your inner child, laugh, love and enjoy the now, even if it's not where you want to be... Now go cut up some T-shirts.
DIY CROP TOP in under 2 Minutes...
Thank you all.
Lots of love
