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A Realistic Morning Routine to Cultivate Calm and Clarity prior to Life's Daily Dirties

Writer's picture: BellaBella

Wowza's trousers.Look at that alliteration. Someones been doing their morning routine...

Hi, hello, hiya. Welcome back. Sorry about the rather long silence. I know you've all been eager to sacrifice another 5 mins of your precious life reading my highly informative, witty blog posts.

I have missed you. Your beauty, acceptance, relaxed nature, adaptability, and you pay me well. Gone are the days when we frolicked in the shores at sunrise, wondered what we would eat next as the day stretched out ahead of us. Worried about our avocados not being ripe by brunch time. Planned all the things we would get done in the extensive amount of time together, and didn't. Oh Furlough, farewell my friend, it's been fun.

Before I could write a short novel on the power of a completely un-realistic, eye-roll inducing morning routine, Boris sent me back to work- FFFS, dragging my heels like a kid returning to school after the summer hols.

Along with the shock to my delicate, privileged body and mind, came the calling for a condensed morning routine to keep me 'Namastyaying' all day long, whilst adapting to the incredibly alien concept of working for money???


Well, well, well. I expect some of you are also in the process of returning back to the 'real world', or perhaps some of you bitter souls have been working this whole entire time! (To which I commend you, thank you very very much, and I give you permission to slap me on my forehead). Thus, in response to this ever changing climate in 2020 I bring you a virtual shoulder to weep on, and also my latest badass morning routine to ensure calm and clarity before the swirling shit storms waiting to play with you outside the comfort of your snuggly wiggly wuggly bed.


  • A relatively decent amount of motivation (if you have none, check out my Insta for an array of annoying inspirational quotes and aesthetically pleasing photos).

  • Approx. an hour of your time.

  • A pen and paper- I prefer a journal with nice paper, just adds to the morning routine feels.

  • Caffeine (I prefer coffee to get me excited, sometimes opt for green tea if I'm feeling extra wholesome).

  • A guided meditation app/ guided meditation You-Tube vid.

  • A reasonably clear area of your floor to perform some shapes and stretches.

  • A shower with access to cold water (prepare for a perky mood and perky nips).

  • A can-do, diggity-doo, top of the morning to yah attitude.

Step One: GET ON UP

Wake up. That's right. No snoozing allowed. Don't want to scare yah, BUT rumour has it (from sleep expert Matthew Walker) that when we wake in an unnatural way, eg. our alarms... our body responds in fight or flight mode. Therefore, by hitting that snooze button, we are using and abusing our cardiovascular system. Also, let's be honest here, raise your hand if you have ever felt fresh after hitting the snooze? No. Me neither.

Open your swollen lil bug eyes, and before you listen to all the reasons as to why you should go back to sleep, sit up, swizzle your legs and BAM. Feet are on the floor. Now, this is the trickiest part in my opinion. Why you ask? I shall tell you why. When we wake our stress hormone 'Cortisol' can be highest in our first hour of waking, often inducing feelings of fear or anxiety. Therefore, by simply being aware of this dodgy vibe and taking action, you my friend, are already one step ahead to a beautiful day. Congrats.

Step Two: CUP OF JOE

Shuffle to your kitchen, humming 'Wake up, Wake up, Give yourself a shake up, get yah body moving' (if you didn't sing this bad boy in assembly as school, check it, it's a horrible song, but guaranteed irritatingly good vibes). Down some water (Apple Cider Vinegar if you're on that glow hype, and want to go that extra mile). Ignore the nausea, as you fill up your kettle. Flick kettle on. Listen to the low rumble as you stare out the window, reflecting on how tired you feel, and all the reasons not to be awake.

Now, these moments of silent refection are the perfect opportunity to catch your thoughts. Have you ever noticed that when you try a new habit/ something that's beneficial for you, your body and brain will quite literally tell you all the reasons not to do it. YES, I hear you say. I tell you why. As highlighted by DR. Joe Dispenza "Neurones that fire together, wire together". Simply put, when cultivating new habits (such as a beautiful morning routine) our brains aren't used to it, unless we have repeated that habit a significant number of times. Therefore, be wary of the slippery slope of self sabotage. Get savvy to it, as you repeat new habits you are cultivating a fresh new neurological hardware, that will feel funny at first, but wonderful in the long-run.

Whilst waiting for that water to boil, do not look at your phone, I repeat do not bombard your neurology with noise and distraction. Spoon an unnecessary amount of coffee into mug, before spilling hot water in and around the mug, and perhaps your hands if you're lucky.


Slurp your drink, burning your mouth in the process (unless you are a wise owl and capable of splashing of cold water on the top). Stagger to a comfortable seat, cosy corner, in-fact anywhere where you will not be disturbed. What did I say... don't check your phone. Our days are full of stimuli, information, noise (good and bad!). So, finding a quiet place in the first hour of waking is wonderful in many ways. Through silence we can savour our special energy, boost creativity, decrease tension and gain a greater awareness of the present moment.


Once you've found your silent spot to sit comfortably. Grab your journal/ piece of paper & pen. Write the date and time. Begin by writing- "I am Grateful for": followed by everything you feel grateful for in that moment (Eg. I am grateful for my mental and physical health, I am grateful to have a job...) Followed by : "I am..........." : followed by what you wish to manifest, as if you already have it (Eg. I am an astronaut, I am a superstar.).

First of all, physically grabbing a pen and putting ink to page has many benefits on our mind; boosting creativity, connection and relaxation, to name a few. Most importantly, it's a magical tool to ingrain information into your sub-conscious. Think of ink to page, much like a proper tattoo vs. a slimy temporary one you used to get in a chewing gum packet. Some absolute wizards even write with their left hand in the morning to get their brains firing and wiring. In other news, through sitting down to recognise and be thankful for all the beautiful elements of your life, you are setting the tone for the day. Such humbling acts, attract a different energy for your day, enabling you to smile at people on the street, as opposed to staring at the pavement and frowning. On a serious note though, "The more good you look for, the more you will find" Bob Proctor.

Now this third element may be a bit far fetched for some of you, and a bit woo woo, but, it's fun and can actually have some pretty rad results. Think about your identity for a hot second, what evidence shapes your 'Identity', what self-limiting beliefs have you made up about why you can't do something? How do you speak to yourself, and what behaviours confirm these beliefs and identities everyday? Remember when I said "Neurones that fire together wire together" earlier, this is proof in the pudding hunny. Through sitting down to manifest bits and bobs as if they are in the present, we can quite literally re-wire our neural pathways to take action and start now, in the present. Before you know it you'll be opening your awareness to opportunities to become a superstar astronaut in no time. (Silly example, to keep it light for you all).

To highlight, there is something very special about being grateful in the present moment, whilst getting excited about your future. Get scribbling.

Step Five: ZEN IN UNDER 10

Feel the warmth in your body as you soak up all the gratitude and blessings you have ignited. Now, you can take your phone out/ chosen tech. Open your guided meditation (Headspace, Calm, You-Tube) . Sit in the still and quiet, and become aware of your breathing and let all your whacky thoughts come and go. Do at least 10 mins of sitting still with yourself, to feel a benefit. I'm also going to de-bunk some myths here; meditation is not about sitting still and thinking of nothing, nor is it about being relaxed and zen all the time, sometimes I get proper aggy sat still, and my breathing is short and sharp like a premenstrual teenager. In-fact the imperfection and acknowledgement of what is, here and now, is what it's all about. I myself am aware I spend a significant chunk of my day distracted, lost in thought, getting excited about or worrying about the next construct in the future, pondering on the past, and I hazard a guess you might do too. Thus, the beauty and art of meditation, taking some time to sit and just be, it's beautiful and ugly all at once. Do it.


Crawl onto the floor. Adopting a child-pose, flow it out. Cat-Cow, Downward-Dog. Move those hips, happy-baby pose, butterfly, a few sun salutations, don't forget to breathe. Let your energy flow and move. Go with the flow. Breathe loudly and proudly, letting everyone know your'e a great person for getting up earlier than them to do your morning routine. Sometimes I like to use a video on You-Tube, most mornings I like to go with the flow and just do what feels good and right. Not only will you feel considerably less tense, creaky and tight from doing your own homemade contemporary floor routine, it's an energy boost! Send fresh oxygen to the brain, stimulating your brain and body. Boost your metabolism, boost your mood, boost your productivity, boost ur life. YAS. FYI- I do it in my PJS and don't use a yoga mat, time is money bbi.


Feel like the bees knees as you skip to the bathroom, all loosey-goosey from your flowing. Enjoy a nice hot steamy shower. Just as you've got comfortable, mug yourself off and whizz the temperature to the coldest it can go. Hyperventilate, as you try to take control of your body.

I learnt this torture trick of wonders from the legend himself 'Wim Hoff'. The benefits of this little habit are worth the uncomfortable but extremely exhilarating 30 seconds exposure to chilliness. Through shocking your system with the cold you are introducing a small, controlled level of stress on your body, therefore reducing stress levels in the long term. Other highlights include increased alertness and willpower, as you focus on your breathing (less Co2, more o2). By incorporating this goose bump inducing ritual into your routine, you are also boosting ya white blood cell count, and boosting metabolism = strengthened immune system and fat loss. Woo!

Turn the shower off and feel like a badass as you leap out the shower of doom. A new person awaits, take up wonder-woman pose. READY, SET, GO- smash your wonderful day that awaits.

Sending love to you all. Thanks for reading.

Bella xxx

Sources to check it before you wreck it:


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